COVID-19 Information
*** Effective January 26, all airline passengers to the United States ages two years and older must provide a negative COVID-19 viral test taken within three calendar days of travel. Alternatively, travelers to the U.S. may provide documentation from a licensed health care provider of having recovered from COVID-19 in the 90 days preceding travel. Check the CDC website for additional information and Frequently Asked Questions.
Country-Specific Information
Rwanda recorded its first confirmed case of COVID-19 on March 14, 2020. Automatic word wrap
Kigali International Airport remains open. Automatic word wrap
Negative PCR test results taken within 72 hours of departure are required to board a plane to Kigali. Automatic word wrap
Travelers departing Rwanda must test negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours before departure. Automatic word wrap
Masks/face coverings are required in public. Automatic word wrap
The Government of Rwanda has a zero-tolerance policy for exporting positive COVID-19 cases. If you test positive for COVID-19 upon arrival or during your time in Rwanda, the severity of your symptoms will determine whether you are isolated in a government-run treatment center or a hotel at your own cost. You will not be permitted to leave Rwanda until you receive a negative PCR test result, which could take several weeks from the first detection of your infection. The U.S. Embassy has no ability to pressure the Rwandan health authorities to release you from isolation or permit you to exit Rwanda until you receive a negative PCR test result. Automatic word wrap
COVID-19 Testing
Are PCR and/or antigen tests available for U.S. citizens in Rwanda? YesAutomatic word wrap
If so, are test results reliably available within 72 hours? YesAutomatic word wrap
S. citizens should consult the Rwanda Biomedical Center’s (RBC) for information about all testing requirements, including arrival and departure. Their website is here. Automatic word wrap
PCR tests can be booked online through Irembo, found here. PCR tests cost $50 (or RWF 47,200). Payment is required for all U.S. citizens. Online payment is available through the scheduling website. PCR test results are generally delivered within 48 hours via text message (results only) and through the RBC’s COVID-19 Test Results Portal here. Passengers departing Rwanda are required to print out the travel certificate available through the COVID-19 Test Results Portal and hand carries them in order to enter the airport for departure. Automatic word wrap
RBC offers rapid antigen testing without an appointment at 42 accredited private hospitals/clinics throughout Rwanda. Rapid antigen tests cost $10. A complete list of accredited private clinics offering this service is found here. Rapid antigen test results are available shortly after the sample is taken and are delivered in person. Automatic word wrap
For information on limited humanitarian exemptions for the COVID-19 Testing Requirement to enter the United States, please review the website here. Please note that while limited waivers are available for the U.S. Testing Requirement, they do not apply to the Government of Rwanda’s exit requirements. Automatic word wrap
Humanitarian exemptions to this order will be granted on an extremely limited basis and will only be considered when the country of departure lacks adequate COVID-19 testing capacity. Automatic word wrap
COVID-19 Vaccine Information:
Has the government of Rwanda approved a COVID-19 vaccine for use? YesAutomatic word wrap
Are vaccines available in Rwanda for U.S. citizens to receive? Yes, but only for residents of Rwanda who meet the criteria for certain eligible groups.Automatic word wrap
Which vaccines are available in Rwanda? Rwanda has the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines. Automatic word wrap
Rwandan citizens and residents in the eligible groups can receive the vaccine at vaccination centers. Automatic word wrap
Visit the FDA’s website to learn more about FDA-approved vaccines in the United States. Automatic word wrap
The United States Government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas. Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination. Automatic word wrap
Entry and Exit Requirements
Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes
– The Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) website is the source of detailed guidance for travelers to Rwanda and is located here. U.S. citizens are encouraged to read the “Info Note for Passengers”, with the link located on the left side of RBC’s website. Automatic word wrap
– All travelers arriving in Rwanda must complete the Passenger Locator Form and upload the negative COVID-19 test certificate before their departure to Rwanda. The Passenger Locator Form is available on the left side of RBC’s website here. Automatic word wrap
Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? YesAutomatic word wrap
– All travelers arriving in Rwanda are required to have a negative COVID-19 certificate. The only accepted test is a SARS-CoV2 Real-Time Polymerase (RT-PCR) performed within 72 hours prior to departure for Rwanda. All other forms of COVID-19 tests are not permitted.
Our health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? YesAutomatic word wrap
– Travelers will be tested for COVID-19 upon arrival at Kigali International Airport. The payment for the test at the airport is $60 ($50 for the test and $10 for specific logistics at the airport). The payment is to be made online or by cash upon arrival. Automatic word wrap
– All travelers are required to wait 24 hours for the results of their COVID-19 test in a designated transit hotel. The Government of Rwanda has negotiated special rates at designated transit hotels for the 24-hour waiting period. A list of the designated transit hotels is here. Automatic word wrap
– Transit passengers who are not leaving the airport and those who will leave the airport to go to the designated transit hotels for less than 24 hours will be screened upon entry and are not required to test upon arrival. Automatic word wrap
– Passengers arriving from India are required to complete 7 days in mandatory quarantine upon arrival at a designated hotel at their own cost. Automatic word wrap
– If a traveler’s test result is positive for COVID-19 (even if asymptomatic) while in Rwanda, they will be treated as indicated in the National COVID-19 Management Guidelines until they have fully recovered. All treatment is at the expense of the traveler.
Travelers departing Rwanda must test negative for COVID-19. The only accepted test is a SARS-CoV2 Real-Time Chain Polymerase (RT-PCR) performed within 72 hours before departure. All other tests are not permitted. Travelers are encouraged to book and pay for their tests at least two days prior to departure through the online platform here. Automatic word wrap
All requests for visa extensions for residents and/or tourists should be addressed to the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration. Their website is here.
Movement Restrictions
Is a curfew in place? YesAutomatic word wrap
The following measures will be in effect starting May 6, 2021, in Kigali and all other districts other than the ones listed below: Automatic word wrap
– Movements are prohibited between 10:00 PM and 4:00 AM. Automatic word wrap
– All businesses must close by 9:00 PM. Automatic word wrap
– Restaurants and cafés shall resume with a 50 percent occupancy limit and shall receive clients until 9:00 PM. Automatic word wrap
– Bars will remain closed. Automatic word wrap
– Private businesses will continue with essential staff at no more than 30 percent capacity. Markets and malls will continue for essential vendors and must not exceed 50 percent of registered traders. All businesses must close by 8:00 PM. Automatic word wrap
– All schools (public and private), including universities remain open. Automatic word wrap
– Public transport (buses) should not exceed 75 percent capacity. Motorcycle taxis are permitted to carry passengers and must observe strict hygiene. Automatic word wrap
– Physical meetings may resume but must not exceed 30 percent of venue capacity. COVID-19 testing is required for meetings of more than 20 people. Automatic word wrap
– Individual and non-contact sports are permitted. Gyms will be allowed to resume activities on a gradual basis pending a detailed reopening schedule to be communicated by the Ministry of Sports. Automatic word wrap
Movements remain prohibited between 7:00 PM and 4:00 AM in the Southern Province districts of Ruhango, Nyanza, Huye, Gisagara, Nyaruguru, and Nyamagabe. Automatic word wrap
Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? NoAutomatic word wrap
– Travel between Kigali and all other provinces has resumed. Automatic word wrap
– Travelers, including drivers, traveling to tourism entities within Kigali and other provinces and districts are required to complete and submit movement requests through the Tourism Movement Facilitation Form found here. Travelers are also required to send copies of negative COVID-19 test results to visitrwanda@rbd.rwat at least 24 hours prior to the trip. More information is found here. Automatic word wrap
Quarantine Information
Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? YesAutomatic word wrap
– U.S. citizens are required to quarantine for approximately 24 hours at a designated quarantine hotel while awaiting the results of the COVID-19 test taken immediately after arrival at the airport. Automatic word wrap
– Passengers arriving from India are required to complete 7 days in mandatory quarantine upon arrival at a designated hotel at their own cost. Automatic word wrap
Transportation Options
Are commercial flights operating? YesAutomatic word wrap
Is public transportation operating? YesAutomatic word wrap
Public transportation is permitted but must not exceed 75 percent capacity. Automatic word wrap
Fines for Non-Compliance
Violations of COVID-19 restrictions may face punishments ranging from fines of up to RWF 50,000 and/or up-to five days in police custody (depending on the violation). Automatic word wrap
Consular Operations
The U.S. Embassy is currently offering services to U.S. Citizens. For details on these services and information to make an appointment, please visit our website. Automatic word wrap
The U.S. Embassy is in the process of a phased resumption of visa services. Please visit https://rw.usembassy.gov/visas/nonimmigrant-visas/ for more details about the types of visas being processed. Automatic word wrap
Local Resources:
Additional information about COVID-19 in Rwanda can be found at the Rwanda Biomedical Center’s website. Automatic word wrap
Contact Information for RBC: Automatic word wrap
Toll-free number: 114Automatic word wrap
RBC Medical Team on Duty at Airport 24/7: +250-78-141-5724Automatic word wrap
E-mail: covid@rbc.gov.rwAutomatic word wrap
Other links: Automatic word wrap
COVID-19 Traveler Information page on travel.state.gov
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