The most noble of beasts and closest living...

The most Noble of Beasts and closest living…

The most Noble of Beasts and closest living...

The most noble of beasts and closest living relative to humans after the bonobo and the chimpanzee. On a gorilla safari, to get up close to them in their natural environment is a unique and thrilling experience that is both humbling and exhilarating. All of our team here at Escape to Africa have been fortunate enough to gorilla trek to encounter these creatures in the wild and found it truly unforgettable. We can currently take you to see the Mountain Gorillas of Uganda/Rwanda and the Western Lowland Gorillas in the Central African Republic.


The most Noble of Beasts and closest living...

1. They are the largest living species of primate, the order we humans are also a member of. In fact our DNA is over a 95% match to theirs. Only Bonobos (pygmy chimpanzees) and Chimpanzees are more closely related to us.

2. There are 2 species of Gorilla, Western and Eastern and a further 4 or possibly 5 subspecies. The Bwindi Mountain Gorilla sub species of Eastern Gorillas is awaiting its official sub species status.

3. Mountain gorillas have longer hair and shorter arms than their lowland cousins. They also tend to be a bit larger than other gorillas. Gorillas can climb trees, but are usually found on the ground in communities of up to 30 individuals. Troops are led by one dominant, older adult male, often called a silverback because of the swath of silver hair that adorns his otherwise dark fur. Troops also include several other young males, some females, and their offspring.

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Ndoba Hakim
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